Alloveda Liver Update: Effect of obesity and fatty liver on Covid-19 infectivity


eMediNexus    04 December 2020

A study published in Healio Gastroenterology, analysed the effect of obesity and fatty liver on Covid -19. The current UK Biobank study recruited 500,000 people from 2006-2010, which were followed up with their healthcare records. Detailed phenotypical and genotypical information was collected from these patients. Among which, 42,000 people undergone LiverMultiScan, a specific liver imaging test to analyse fatty liver. These patients were then investigated for Covid-19.

The outcome showed that above 10% of fat in the liver was associated with two-fold increase in the likelihood of getting infected with symptomatic Covid-19. It was observed that people who are obese and had liver fat above 10% were at increased risk of having Covid-19, the risk got elevated up to three-folds. On the contrary, patients who were obese and had liver fat below 5%, they were not found at increased risk of getting infected.

Thus, the study showed evidences of a correlation between liver fat and the severity of the Covid-19, which can act as a useful tool to monitor certain population who are at increased risk of the disease. Patients with fatty liver can be considered as a high-risk category and greater liver fat is associated with more severe disease which is independent of obesity.

Source: Obesity, fatty liver play role in increased risk for COVID-19. Available at:

https://www.healio.com/news/hepatology/20200701/qa-obesity-fatty-liver-play-role-in-increased-risk-for-covid19. Accessed on: 27-11-2020.

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